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Half Year Goals


Well hello there, it’s been a little while, hasn’t it? I took a little un-planned time off of blogging in June and most of July mainly because, quite frankly, I was exhausted. The start of lockdown was tough in it’s own right, but I feel like now we are coming out of lockdown, it’s hard in so many other ways. Things are starting to speed up a little which, as someone who likes to be busy, is really lovely to see. But with that comes so many new pressures that we have to get our head around. I feel like I’m slowly coming to terms with the new norm of speed, new normal of pressures and new normal of expectations.


So I thought I’d come back to blogging in the only way I know how – by looking to the future. I still can’t really get my head around how we’ve somehow gotten through over half of the year so far, but here we are. 2020 has been such a strange and challenging year, un-like anything else we’ve ever had to experience. The first half of 2020 was heavy, to say the least, but I feel like the second half of 2020 is going to be a little lighter and a way to focus on ourselves. So here’s what the second half of 2020 has in store for me and the goals I want to achieve.



1 – Work Life

I really excitingly have just signed with a new talent management agency who I am SO EXCITED to be working with. I feel like for the past 6 months I have been stretched very thin and have really struggled to fulfil every person I needed to be. Ionic Talent are going to be coming on board to help me with a load of the behind the scenes, the admin, legal and boring work that this job involves – which is going to give me the time to really focus on the creative side of stuff. I’m hoping that the last half of 2020 is going to see an amazing shift in my creativity and the work that I can produce. I want to get back to basics and remember why I started this – to have fun, get creative and produce content.


2 – Personal Life

Lockdown has been hard. There’s no other way to describe it. It’s been hard mentally, it’s been hard financially, it’s been hard emotionally… but I feel like coming out of lockdown I can see how much it has taught me about myself, my resilience and my ability to soldier on. I really do believe that I have come out of the other side a better person and although I still have a way to go, I want to really remind myself to be less hard on myself. I hope the last half of 2020 will see a shift in how I treat myself and will see me being so much kinder to myself.



3 – Home Life

You guys know that I will never be fully finished with the flat – there will always be little tweaks and changes I want to make – but I guess that’s the fun of interior! Next stage of the flat is to update the bedroom – it’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while but I have to be really sensible when and how we do it. It’s not a huge project and I reckon just a few small changes will make a big impact, but I hope we can start sometime soon.

