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Celebrating 2015

As much as I am focusing on self development in 2016, it’s okay to blow your own trumpet sometimes. I think it is definitely important to reflect on the year just been and communally celebrating my successes. Obviously it hasn’t all been rosy on my end, as much as I have had wonders in 2015, there has been plenty of offline dwelling bad moments. However I think the most important thing you can do to grow as a person is focus on the positive, while remembering the negative.

~ I started driving and (low and behold) passed my test first time! With only one minor!! I have always wanted to be able to drive and give myself the freedom to not have to rely on my parents to taxi me around, so being able to drive is such an achievement for me!

~ I redid my blog layout…. About 3 times. But I have finally bitten the bullet and payed for my layout because I think it was about time that I truley loved my blog layout and could say that I chose that and worked my hardest for it to look the way I want.

~ did my AS levels (maths, biology, English lit/Lang and psychology) and did not to as well as I had hoped but I have passed, which is the most important thing!

~ I have chosen my subject, course and university that I want to go and…. Wait for it…. I’ve been given an unconditional offer!!!!!! For those of you who doesn’t understand universities, an unconditional is the rarest of offer and means that you do not have to get a certain grade, you just have to pass your A2 year. It’s given to you for either an amazing personal statement, a great interview or an academic profile. So to be given an unconditional offer is just amazing!

~ saw Michael McIntyre live at the O2 (if you bought the DVD, that was the exact night I saw him!)

~ went to my first festival and it was so good! Larmer Tree was so fun and I definitely want to go back next year

~ hit 10k on my Instagram (i am now at 11k which is just insane)

~ got my first business offer and am now an ambassador for a few brands

Overall I believe that 2015 has been a pretty great year for me and I cannot wait for 2016!!
