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Things I’m Looking Forward To This Spring


I think it’s safe to say that there is a LOT to look forward to this spring. We’ve had a long winter. A LONG WINTER and we’re starting to come out the other end. With so many prospects, so many opportunities and so many things to look forward to, these next few months are going to be very exciting ones indeed.


Seeing Friends 

I think we can all agree that one of the hardest things in lockdown is the loneliness of not being able to see people. I can’t wait to be able to meet up with friends – even just to sit outside a coffee shop with an iced latte in hand – and catch up on life. So much has happened yet so little at the same time. I really can’t wait to be sociable again.



I know I am the first person to say that I am affected by the weather so I am rejoicing in the longer, brighter days that are to come. The spring weather always brings my mood right up and just lifts everyones spirits.


New Interior 

As you know, I am always loving changing up our interior and making our home feel as much like us as possible. And one thing that I have had to wait over 8 weeks to arrive is our new bed. I am so excited for it to come and to instantly feel the difference in our bedroom. I really want that room to be a little sanctuary of calm.



I know that it’s never going to be an overnight thing and it’s going to take a long, long time to return to some sort of normality but my goodness am I excited for it. Just to be able to pop to a coffee shop with a friend. Or run into town to check out what’s new in Zara. To go to the cinema and eat out at a restaurant. All the normal things we took so for granted before.


