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How I Style My Shelves


It really is no secret that I LOVE open shelves. I would have them in every single room if I could. Wall to wall, floor to ceiling, big open shelves. Ahhhhh.


A question that I get asked SO MUCH is about how to style them and make them look styled, rather than look like you’ve just thrown things on there willy nilly. I won’t lie, styling my shelves is a bit of a weakness of mine. I love it. I find it so therapeutic and calming just to take everything off, dust the shelves and start again. So today I thought that I would share my tips, my biggest secrets and my best practising for styling open shelves.


Pick a Theme 

I think choosing a theme for your shelves is so important. For me, my shelves sit in my office/ dressing room so a very girly, bag heavy theme fits best. If I were to have these sitting in my living room, they would be very book heavy – or in the kitchen very utensil heavy. Once you’ve found the theme to fit their location then it’s a go from there.


Be selective

I think one of the easiest things to do with open shelving is to chuck the entirety of your trinket contents at them and hope for the best. But to me nothing is worst than shelves that are too busy, too overpacked and bulging at the seams.

Try and be selective with what you’ll allow to be on your shelves. Choose items that spark joy, are the most aesthetic or hold the most value to you. Then grow from there.


It Goes Further Than The Shelves 

One thing that I think is so important is the area around the shelves. I am such a huge print fan and love how much they change up a space. I recently got these new Desenio prints because they match so well with my vibe, reflect my personality and complete the space so well. I adore being able to mis and match different styles, different finishes and different artworks in order to create the perfect ambience in the space. Check out which prints I chose HERE.



Think about levels 

A big tip I can give is to really consider the levels on your shelves. Nothing looks more drab and un-styled then a set of open shelves filled with every shelf looking the same. Think about paring different heights together – maybe a tall vase next to some low stacked books. Or a picture frame sitting behind your favourite handbag? Depth is important and so playing around with the levels you can achieve from your items is so important


Have fun with it! 

As I said, shelf styling should be fun. It’s an expression of who you are and a styled concept of your surroundings. Have fun with it!
