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An Bit Of An Identity Crisis


I was inspired by Lydia Millen to look back on my blog and reflect on how I’ve changed in the 6 short years I’ve been blogging and where I stand now. And tbh, I don’t really know where I fit. It’s something I’ve struggled with for a while now and I think that’s being reflected in my posts. I don’t know, maybe you haven’t noticed but I sure have.

I used to post up to 3 times a week on my blog and blooming loved every minute of it. I got a tonne of comments about the posts I was sharing, the lipstick I was writing about or the topic I was discussing. My blog felt engaged. It felt welcoming. It felt me.

And to be completely honest, I haven’t felt so ME in here for a little while.

I think a part of the reason is that we all feel the need to niche ourself and confine ourself into a little box which labels ‘so and so blogger’ to ensure our audience know exactly what to expect from us. We talk about what we know and we feel like we shouldn’t deviate from that. We should stay in our confines and that’s that.

But I’ve never really been that kind of person.

Even as a kid at school, I used to switch up my handwriting every month or so just because I got bored of the old way I wrote an ‘A’. I’d have constant eye rolls from teachers who told me they couldn’t read what I’ve written in this new handwriting and that’s not something you should change. The teachers didn’t understand that I just didn’t like staying in one lane for too long – I didn’t like having the same handwriting my whole life.



I guess handwriting is a bit of a metaphor here – it’s a metaphor for my blog. My niche. My ME.

You see, I’ve never really been one to enjoy confining myself to one handwriting, and I’ve discovered that I’ve not been one who likes to confine myself to one blogging niche either.

I want to be able to discuss what foundation I’m wearing one week, and hop off about the social impacts of feminism another. I want to be able to share my tips as a petite girl whilst also showing you where I am in the world.

I guess what I’m saying is that I want to be more instant, more uncut.

I used to stress SO MUCH about having this perfectly curated blog, filled with information that you can pour through. Accompanied by stunning photos in gorgeous locations. But the truth is, that’s exhausting, overwhelming and not always me.



I love taking editorial content, but I also love snapping a quick outfit shot to show you what I’m wearing. I can’t tell you the amount of posts I’ve typed out, just to stay in my drafts forever because I never got a chance to get the perfect imagery to accompany the post.

So going forward, I’m going to treat my blog more like a magazine of my life. There will be a little bit of beauty, some petite tips, some styling sessions, some travel pieces and the odd think piece here and there.

I’m feeling quite excited about it, and that’s honestly the first time I’ve said that I’m excited for my blog in a long time.
