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Spring Home Styling


One of my favourite things about spring is that you get to not only update your wardrobe and your fashion, but also your home! There’s nothing better than taking a new season and running with it in every sense of the word – and I definitely love letting my home reflect the seasons. I’ve been getting my home so ready for spring in the last few weeks so I thought I would share the ways in which I am styling my home for spring.


A Spring Clean

You can’t get your home ready for spring without a big ol’ spring clean. There’s nothing more cathartic or therapeutic than digging through old cupboards, dusting behind the TV and pulling out clothes that you literally forgot existed! Give your home a really good Marie Kondo inspired clean – get rid of what doesn’t spark joy and bask in the glory that is a clutter free (or clutter less) home.


Update Your Decor

I love changing up my decor for the seasons. Being able to switch little bits here and there to bring the outside in and reflect the changing seasons within your home. For spring it’s all about the vases and flowers – if you’re not a real flower girl then I would 100% recommend going down the faux root. They’re so much less maintenance and if you make a good investment, will fool everyone into thinking they’re the real thing! Here’s some decor changes that I have recently invested into for my own home.



Bright and Airy

If anything screams spring, it’s a bright and airy space. A big change I like to make is with my soft furnishings, my throws and cushions. We have these big, heavy faux fur throws that we love to drape over the sofa in winter to give a really warm and cosy feel. They are long gone in spring and replaced with gorgeous light cottons, linens and throw cushions.


Think About Your Colour Palette

One really easy change to make between seasons is within your colour palette. In spring I am ALL about the neutrals. I love the earthy, natural tones and how they really make my home feel so much more open and airy. I love my woods, my linens, my beiges and my whites. It’s the ultimate spring home to me.
