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Looking After Yourself When Lockdown Lifts


If you’re here in the UK then the prospect of a post-lockdown life is becoming more and more real. With the restrictions beginning to ease and life starting to open up again, the thought of returning to normal doesn’t just seem like a dream anymore.


As exciting as it is to think about what life will be like when lockdown eases and we can see friends/ family again, socialise in public spaces and maybe even share a meal or two, it’s really important to not let ourselves slip by the wayside. I don’t know about you but if this last year or so has taught me anything it’s just how full on I was. Always on the go, always busy, always burnt out.


So I wanted to talk today about how we can look after ourselves in a post lockdown life and what we need to do to maintain our wellbeing.


It’s okay to say no

Just because we haven’t been able to go out for months, doesn’t mean that the minute we can, we need to be out all day, every day and all night, every night. Knowing that it’s perfectly okay to say no to plans and just enjoy a nice night in is vital.


Set Boundaries

Just like with anything, setting boundaries is important. Everyone is going to feel comfortable with different things and if there’s something that you’re just not comfortable doing, then it’s okay to say so. Just because your friends feel safe flying, doesn’t mean you have to join them on holiday if you don’t. Just because your friends are desperate to get back to the club, doesn’t mean you want to be rubbing up that close to that many people. Setting clear boundaries and making those around you aware of what you feel safe, comfortable and happy doing is so important.


Put Yourself First

The one thing that I cannot stress enough is how important it is to put yourself first. Whether that’s putting your mental wellbeing ahead of catching up with your auntie or saying no to the friend that you never really enjoyed hanging out with. Putting yourself and your mental wellbeing first is something that you can never underestimate the power of.


Have fun!

The most important thing to say is to enjoy yourself. We’ve had so much of our lives taken away from us that now really is the time to start enjoying life again and not taking the little things for granted.
